Tuesday 5 January 2010


I love new years for the typical reasons...in with the new out with the old.
So here is my list of "resolutions".

First and foremost is personal growth. This one is ambiguous because I haven't decided what that means yet. It will have to do with self torture (he he). Not really, but they are related. I want to learn more self disciplines. Not for the purpose of getting things done but for the purpose of personal growth. My husband is also embarking on this one with me.

Second--not to have any yarns in my stash that predate 2009 by the beginning of 2011.

Third--Literature memorization, one piece monthly.

Fourth--Have a monthly goal, anything I want!

Fifth--Blog once monthly. Pictures not promised!

I also want to continue last years goals but I don't remember any of them except--QUIT PICKING AT FOOD LEFT IN PAN AFTER A MEAL--I really am better at this than I was last year but I need to keep it on my mind or I'll just start up again. I mean, who can really keep from picking that crunchy cheese off anyways?

So there we go.

Thursday 13 August 2009

Today is one of those days I know I am severely fashion challenged. I love clothes but I tend to love them in individual units. I pick up a shirt I think is awesome or skirt that is irreplaceable but when they join my closet they find no mate. I can't put together an outfit. How sad. So today I wear a white shirt and jeans. How boring. I'll wear green sandals.

I'm preparing to move on Monday but no I did not spend my morning packing and cleaning as I should have. I spent it thinking about how I will decorate in the new place.....sort of....because I don't know if I'll get to decorate (very long story) and we are on a spending freeze so I won't be do any (much) shopping.
So, to ease my worry I made this pillow this morning:
I don't have anything to stuff it with but I'm thinking I'll try something different than the typical batting like buckwheat or flax seed. We'll see!

Thursday 6 August 2009

I haven't taken to this blogging thing so well, but here I go again. I've done some spinning lately and am somewhat pleased with the result. Not ecstatic, but hey I'm learning! I'm about half way through a scarf using my hand spun. I've also finished a number of small projects and one bigger one: two baby cardigans, two market bags, slouch, adult cardigan. All pattern details are on Ravelry or will be soon. I'm LemonandLime. Maybe I'll post them next time!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

After returning from Maryland Sheep and Wool I have a fresh desire to knit. Really it came the week before when I realized I had nothing "Festival Worthy"  to wear  that would say "I'm proud to be knitter". 

Below are my purchases. They don't actually fill that whole basket (they are propped up by some older skeins underneath).

I have some roving and I don't know how to spin yet but I will soon! You'll notice my boring colors. Brown, grey, white, cream. I do this all the time. I should be on Nuetral Yarn Restriction. I do love nuetrals (and earthy tones) but they aren't the only colors I like, they are just the only colors I buy.  

Friday 1 May 2009

So, it seems like there should be some kind of epic begining to a blog but I'm going to skip that. Instead I'll just show what I took off the blocking board this morning!

This sweater has been finished (minus the ends being weaved in) for quite some time but now that it's too warm to wear it, it's finished. My husband, Luke, bought me this yarn for Christmas. 

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I started this vest last Friday and blocked it lastnight. I don't have buttons for the front yet so I decided to only post the back. I'll put a picture of the front on after I find the bottons I'm looking for and get them attached.
I hope to post a pattern for it. It will be my first time writing a pattern. I have no idea how to size a pattern so it will come in size "Sherelle" until I become educated in sizing. Part of my hope in having this blog is to get some patterns out there. We'll see how that works  out.